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English Website > 01.Latest News > City Newspaper 2023 > City Newspaper March 5, 2023 > Qualification Obtaining Support for Single Parent Family

Qualification Obtaining Support for Single Parent Family

Update : 2024-3-13

There are subsidy systems for the mothers/fathers of single parent family by providing course fees, fees to obtain the qualifications for their career enhancement. There is a screening in order to receive this subsidy.

Make an inquiry about the requirements and the granted amount of either benefit before starting the classes or the school.

Education and Training Benefits for Self-reliance

This program helps the mothers/fathers who take the designated educational training courses such as medical administration, training for beginning home helpers etc. by the Unemployment Insurance Act by paying part of expenses.

Confirmation in advance

It is necessary to confirm whether you are qualified as recipients of "Kyouiku Kunren Kyufu-kin (educational training benefit)" at the Hello Work before application.
You can check the designated courses on the Website of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
* in Japanese

Eligible people

Mother/fathers who meet all conditions below.

(1)Single parent, raising a child of age below 20, who are receiving Jido Fuyo Teate (Child Rearing Allowance) or at the same income level with the allowance recipients.
(2)It is approved that the person needs the training for finding jobs or career enhancement.
(3)People who have not received this training benefit before.

Subsidy amount

60 % of course fee: (up to the limit of 200,000 yen)

* The course fee less than 20,000 yen is not eligible. If a person is eligible for "Kyouiku Kunren Kyufu (educational training benefit)" by the Unemployment Insurance Act, it will be subtracted from the amount paid.

Promotion Subsidy for Higher Skill Training

This program supports the mothers/fathers of single parent family by paying part of living expenses during the training to obtain the qualifications, which help to get jobs, such as nurses, nursery teachers, social workers, care workers, dental hygienists, cooks etc.


People who completed the course of one year or more and are expected to obtain the qualifications. You can study at correspondence schools while working.

Eligible people

Mother/fathers who meet all conditions below.

(1)Single parent, raising a child of age below 20, who are receiving Jido Fuyo Teate (Child Rearing Allowance) or at the same income level with the allowance recipients.
* Jido Fuyo Teate is different from Jido Teate (Child Allowance)
(2)People who are not receiving "Shokugyo Kunren Jyuko Kyufu-kin (benefit for the vocational training course)" by the Jobseeker Support System or "Kyoiku Kunren-shien Kyufu-kin (training and education benefit)" by the Unemployment Insurance Act.
(3)People who have not received this training benefit before.

Amount supplied

(1)Nontaxable households 100,000 yen (140,000 yen for the final grade year of 12 months)
(2)Taxable households 70,500 yen (110,500 yen for the final grade year of 12 months)

Payment term

The whole course term (up to 4 years)
There is a prefectural loan system (interest-free for a loan with a joint surety; exemption of
repayment may be available according the condition) up to 500,000 yen for the reserve supply of
money to enter schools.

Apply before starting the training classes

Kosodate Shien-ka (Parenting Support Section)
Tel.(048) 922-1476
FAX(048) 922-3274